

In the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland, the highest energy phenomena are being studied.

Deep in the Homestake Mine in South Dakota, the LUX experiment  has concluded and now LZ experiment will become world’s most sensitive dark matter search.

The Daya Bay reactor experiment in China found evidence for neutrino mass and continues to teach us about neutrinos, while in the US the DUNE experiment will reveal the nature of neutrinos.

The CUORE experiment in Italy, complementary to Daya Bay and DUNE, will study other fundamental properties of massive neutrinos.

The BEPP center is a member of the CERN RD53 collaboration, to develop new integrated circuits for building future pixel detector at the LHC, and the RD50 collaboration for the development of radiation hard semiconductor sensors.

The Sound Reproduction R&D project develops technology, based on particle physics instrumentation methods, to play historical recordings without mechanical contact. This has opened access to previously inaccessible histrorical records, which were damaged or too fragile to play be conventional methods.